ZZZ… ahh dude!!! Wake up wake up!!! Ohh man, I just realized that June exam is around the corner and to be specific, my 1st exam is history paper and will be held at… *checking on the calendar* WTF?!!! You can’t be bloody serious?! 30 more f#cking days?! =O I can’t even grow a moustache within 30 days!!! And for revising?! IDK, never done it before…
*Headache* hmphh, well this only lead to one thing and only rely on that particular thing in order for a miracle happen and that’s… “dating with my books”… oh yes, I never liked dating books so much, as far as I can remember haha, but hell it’s the only shot I can take.
There’s been an ease in my mind lately, thinking of this and that, the future and not to mention all the pressure I’ve received from fellow peers, tutors and of course my respective parents who all expecting something from me, as stated by my history tutor “flying with colours”, and I’m pretty sure that thing is not ‘FAILURE’.
So basically where I’m at right now? Close to success? Not even close mate… Close to failure? If I say that then I can be labeled as liar… even I myself don’t know which position I am at right now. So, to be on the safe side, it’s best to place my self in the middle of both which btw explains clearly, my so-called future result is hanging by the thread…
Well, it’s not anyone’s fault really that I’m not fully prepared for the upcoming exam, both mentally… physically… if it even make sense. Where are all the days that are given to me as a chance for me to spent time with my lovely *sort of* book of knowledge? Hmm, to those who knew me that much, I bet they know the answer but for the sake of blogging… I spent it all sleeping. Yeah, I lay my ass on my bed, dreaming and snoring *cough not true cough*. And when I got the chance or free time to study, I simply said to myself “alaa wtf should I be studying now, tomorrow can bah~” what the devil? Haha =P Eventually tomorrow changed to days and days become weeks and months which leads to where I’m at now…
Hmphh f#ck it, I need a bloody slap… No!!! a good old punch in the face sounds better enough so that I can wake up from my laziness. Fortunately, I just realized it now than later and chances? No comment, but will try my best… so hope luck will be on my side and wish me luck for my upcoming exam peeps… not to forget all my mates, the 6th form students from SMSO, who will be having their exams this upcoming June, I wish you all good luck mates!!! =)
*p.s: belajar tah banar2 mates, mun dapat grade tinggi bukan jwa urang lain untung, kamu juwa kan and… aku haha =P kenapa? Sapa yang grade nya tinggi tu nanti, belanja aku makan lahh hahaha =P*