Great Teacher Onizuka or more known as “GTO” is one of the greatest anime I’ve had in my DVD collection. Seriously! Eventhough the graphics are not that satisfying because it is a kind of classic anime (almost like Dragon Ball typed of graphics… Of course! The anime itself was published in 1999!!! How old am I at that time again?? Lolz!!! ) yet the story itself is great (suits the name of the anime itself hehe), well I didn’t get sick of it haha!!!
The main character, Eikichi Onizuka, who is an ex-biker, a 2nd Degree Blackbelt in Karate and the leader of a gang called the legendary ‘Onibaku’ from Shonen who kicked the asses of the top gang that time, the legendary Midnight Angel (and yes he is a bad-ass hahaha!!! =P).
Then six years later, Onizuka decided to put away his gangster life and has an aim to become the greatest teacher. Using his strong connections and power as a respected ex-leader, he was able to gain respect from his student while he was in his two weeks as a student teacher.
Graduate teaching practice and officially becoming a teacher, he was given a job at one of the high status private school in
Different kinds of students in his class had numerous attempts to torture him and tried drive him off from his career as a teacher. Yet it never stopped him from fulfilling his dream to be the greatest teacher.
Slowly he deals with his troublesome students and gain trust from his fellow teachers (esp. the principal and the P.E teacher!!!) whom distrust him due to his past backgrounds and from the results of the attempts made by his students which labeled him as a bad teacher.
Well, his methods sometimes can be un-matured and he maybe a pervert but he tries his all to be the best to his student even though it is impossible to him but that’s how this guy roll!!!
Really, this anime is one hell of a story although it is too long to watch, seriously… it’s almost like watching the Korean drama ‘Fullhouse’ from chapter one to the end hahaha!! But I did enjoy watching it. Really, from my experience I had never seen a teacher as a bad-ass as this guy over here!!! Hahaha!!!